Coming Soon – ‘Women in Real Life Podcast’ – My Journey Back to Radio and New Weekly Column!

Connection and Candid Conversations Await!

Hi there! I’ve got some thrilling news to share – I’m diving back into the world of radio with my brand new weekly column and radio show, both named “Women in Real Life.” This is a project that’s been simmering in my mind for quite some time, and I’m beyond excited to finally bring it to life. As I step back into the world of radio, I bring with me not just the experience from my media days, but the wisdom gained through motherhood and decades of personal growth.

A Blast from the Past with a Dash of Wisdom:

Returning to radio feels like a homecoming of sorts. I’ve missed the electric buzz of the airwaves, the spontaneity, and the raw authenticity that radio uniquely offers. However, this time around, I’m a mother, a woman with years of life’s lessons tucked under my belt, and a newfound self-assurance that’s ready to tackle the airwaves with grace, humor, and a hint of mischief. I promise I won’t get into too much trouble 😇.

Connecting Through “Women in Real Life”:

“Women in Real Life” started off as my podcast idea, which like many other ideas, followed me for many years. After launching on popular streaming networks I realized that I wanted to connect beyond my mic and reach more women like myself. When Caribbean media giant Loop, agreed to partner, I knew it was time to jump!

Women in Real Life (WIRL) is more than just a column or a radio show; it’s a space for women to connect, relate, and, most importantly, be heard. I know the struggles, the triumphs, and the little victories that make up the tapestry of a woman’s life. In this space, I aim to say the things you’ve been thinking about, provide the reminders you need, and assure you that you’re not alone in this journey called womanhood.

Topics that Stir the Soul:

I am ready for a rollercoaster of emotions, because the topics we’re diving into might ruffle a few feathers, make some clutch their pearls, and others might just laugh or nod their heads in agreement. “Women in Real Life” is about embracing the messiness of life, discussing the unspoken, and finding solidarity in the shared experiences of womanhood.

Join the Conversation:

I invite each and every one of you to join the conversation. Share your thoughts, stories, and perspectives because this space is as much yours as it is mine. Let’s create a community where women can uplift, inspire, and empower one another.

To read more about my column, check out the full articles on Loop Online News CLICK HERE. I can’t wait to embark on this new adventure with all of you. Buckle up, and let’s redefine “Women in Real Life” together!

Stay tuned, stay fabulous, and let the conversations begin!

Let’s connect! I’m spending more time on Instagram and Linkedin recently, but if you want to get in on some things I keep for my special circle, then be sure to join my mailing list. Here’s one link with everything or scan the code to make it super easy!