Coaching with Sharlene


We all need help, when it’s time for us to grow..

As a mom, you’re a master of multitasking. From managing your home, nurturing your kids, to maintaining a career – it’s a non-stop rollercoaster.

But amid all that, where do *you* fit in? 

You’re already doing so much. Imagine what you could achieve if you focused some of that energy on yourself. Curious?

That’s where I may be able to help!

]’m Sharlene, a Woman Centered Coach and firm believer that you should know yourself better than anyone else, and you should never stop growing.

“Perfection is as real as big foot and unicorns”

As a working mom myself, I understand the struggles of juggling multiple roles and the pressure to do it all perfectly. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or simply lost, this woman-centered coaching might just be what you need.

In these heart-to-heart sessions, we’ll laugh, reflect, strategize, and, most importantly, find where you fit in your own life.

I promise – no buzzwords, no clichés, no unreachable standards of perfection – just realistic, relatable, and result-driven advice for meaningful progress.


If you’re eager to make space for yourself, if you’re willing to invest in your growth, and if you’re excited about the idea of uncovering your potential, reach out and let’s chat.

This could be the start of something truly life-altering.



The ME Project - One-on-one

Limited slots available. 

With a monthly, 3 month or 6 month programme, we will work together directly through ongoing sessions and additional support to *Get clear on what is holding you back *Break through those inner glass ceilings *Focus on and create a new vision that is no longer limited based on what you think you are lacking, but on who you capable of being, and *Start taking action that lasts.


Empowered Mom Corporate Programme

Specially designed workshops, group coaching and events for working mothers. Programmes are designed to support a company’s I&D mandate by creating safe spaces for this widely overlooked subset within the female work force.

All programmes follow the Woman Centered Coaching and Facilitation model and offer confidential and growth focused support.


Feminine Power ™️ - Official Programme

For conscious, gifted women who want to step into their greatness and manifest their highest potentials—especially in the eight KEY Areas—greater confidence, attracting or deepening intimate relationships, discovering your gifts or
genius, amplifying your income in a way that’s aligned with your values, activating your creativity, having a rich spiritual life, creating structures for self-care to feel deeply at home in your body, and harnessing the power to ignite and uplift the
people around you.

You will learn a set of principles and practices to find and embrace your power.

This 9 week programme, was developed by Dr. Claire Zammit, and I was trained
personally by her to use it.

Over a million women from more than 100 countries have already experienced the life changing impact of Feminine Power™️…It’s Your Time.


Workshops, Seminars & Speaking


Re-energize, motivate and make a lasting impact on your audience.

Some topics I Speak On and Facilitate include:

  • Self-Awareness as a Super Power
  • Allyship – Women in the workplace
  • Confidence to be you…unapologetically
  • The Power of Journaling
  • Get your mindset right
  • Starting where you are – Stop holding yourself back
  • Embracing imperfections in a world of false perfection
  • Psychological Safety – Women in the workplace
  • Self-Leadership – Women in the workplace
  • …and more

Inspire your audience to grow and develop.

Have another topic in mind? Let’s build the perfect message together.


What Clients Are Saying

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Daniel Johnson

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque duis.”

Julia Michele

"Semper duis tellus orci nulla nibh elementum purus, pretium facilisi vel eget amet, diam lacinia tempus tristique euismod viverra fusce risus euismod amet."

Robert Green

"Vitae erat pretium, interdum et, massa, nunc rutrum at lectus lectus aenean etiam nulla nibh ipsum commodo eu nibh scelerisque pharetra, sem netus risus."

Oliver Goodman


If you’re looking for perfection or a quick fix, then this is not for you. If you are ready for a change, or feel drawn to explore your gifts and talents in ways that will make a difference, but have no idea where to start or how to get there..then why not now?